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Do You Have Any Questions ?

  • Afimilk has been automating New Zealand dairies for the past 15 years. 

  • AfiFarm integrates with MINDA. The data fields that transfer is the same across all cow wearable providers. 

  • For clients signed up to the Minda integration, the numbers of cows on heat are transferred to Minda Live where the user can schedule a draft to their Protrack gate through Minda Live.

  • There is no need for visual heat detection.  - AfiCollar accurately detects bulling cows by identifying the increase in motion associated with impending heat.  There is no need for visual heat detection when your cow wears an AfiCollar. 

  • AfiCollar detects the time when heat signs started, calculating the optimum timing for insemination based on this.  Our fertility window displays this graphically using a target with the bullseye illustrating the time of insemination with the highest conception rate.

  • Rumination or chewing the cud is the process of regurgitating plant material that is still too big to pass through the gut filters for further digestion.  The cow re-chews the plant material she's brought up again, reducing the size of the fibers making it more digestible, but she also produces liters of saliva which acts as a natural buffer for the rumen environment.  We monitor rumination because it is a critical indicator of cow health and gives us an indication of how well our cow's diet is supporting their nutritional needs.

  • Along with rumination, eating and heat detection, AfiCollar also measures panting (increased breathing rate) which signals heat stress.  Rumination and eating is calculated for the individual cow, alerting us when she's sick, as well as the herd, monitoring their digestion and alerting us when their diet is not optimal.

  • AfiCollar does not measure rest, this is a feature of our AfiAct III pedometer (leg band).

  • AfiCollar does not measure body temperature or temperature deviations from the herd average.

  • Our system is server based, which means all the AfiCollar information is downloaded and stored on the PC in your shed.  Thus, if there is a disruption in your internet, AfiFarm will continue to function normally.  Internet is however required for you to make use of our Afi2Go Prime mobile application as well as remote support by our team.

  • No, our software, AfiFarm, requires a high spec computer to process the data downloaded from AfiCollar.

  • With our AfiCollar system, remote readers can be placed in strategic paddocks and connected to the base unit at the shed.  In doing this, data will be uploaded from the collars while cows are grazing in the paddocks covered by the remote reader and sent to the base unit; you will be alerted immediately if there are cows needing attention or if the herd has strayed from their normal rumination or eating patterns.  This setup has many advantages but is optional: AfiCollar stores the cow's data for up to 72hours and this history gets downloaded by the base unit when the cows come to the parlour for milking.   

  • Your data is yours to be shared with your trusted advisors and your AfiFarm Support Specialist is at hand to help them extract the information they need.

  • Yes, your vet is a critical part of the team that is there to ensure optimal health and reproduction of your herd.

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